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Alternative Mother's Day Cards for Blended Families

Families come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I'm a stepdaughter three times over, and now a stepmum too - although my partner's 6-year-old enjoys lovingly reminding me I'm not actually his stepmum!

Mother's Day can be a funny one. In the past I've sent Mother's Day cards to lots of different people - my Mum, stepmums, my ex-partner's mum - I know as well as anyone that it can be tricky to find just the right card for someone who's not-your-mum-but-deserves-a-card-anyway.

I did a spot of research about Stepmother's Day recently. It's a thing in the USA - celebrated the Sunday after Mother's Day. There's also a "Stepfamily Day" in September.  I'm in a few online stepmum communities, where there's a definite feeling that we deserve a "Stepmum Day" in the UK.

After doing a bit more research I learnt that most stepchildren are happier to send their step-parent a card on Mother's/Father's Day - rather than having yet another special day to remember/forget. I was also really happy to hear that lots of people celebrate special aunties on Mother's Day too.

So in response to this I've gathered together a little collection of things that might be handy if you're looking for a card for someone who doesn't quite tick a neat box, but definitely holds a special place in your heart.

And if you're not sure if you should be sending them a card then I'd 100% encourage you to go for it... it'll mean so much to the recipient when they open it!
Thanks For Being My Extra Grown Up Mother's Day Card
Mollycat Stepmum Card
My Incredible Stepmother Card
Stepmothers Day Paper Plane
Cheesiest Mother's Day Card
Pretty Much Totally Like A Mum To Me Card
Funny Step Mum Card
Happy Mother's Day Birds Card
Wordy Stepmum Card Coulson Macleod

And the final one, just to cover all situations:

Complicated Family Card

Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there who's helping to parent children - however they came to be part of your family, and whatever your situation is!